Tuesday 5 June 2007

Telegraph Sunday Magazine - Eagle review

Shaqui has come up trumps again! On the Articles about Bellamy page, we listed the "Eagle Story" article from the Telegraph Sunday Magazine . WRONG!

It is in fact, Telegraph Sunday Magazine No. 49, 21st August 1977 pp. 18-22, "Where Eagles dared", by Byron Rogers, a three and a half page history of the Eagle comic - with one reference to Bellamy, but no relevant content!

But there is an interesting photo included - see below - with an error on it. Can anyone correct this for us, although not directly concerning Bellamy!

"The men behind the comic: from left to right, Frank Hampson, the original illustrator, Clifford Makins, who succeeded Morris as editor, John Pearce who launched the first promotion, Macdonald Hastings, Eagle Special Investigator, and Marcus Morris, the clergyman who conceived and created it, pore over early issues of Eagle.[...]" (p.18).

Unfortunately there are indeed five gents, but Hampson is instantly recognisable as being second from the left. Can anyone tell me who the first guy is?

They are, according to an Eagle Times article ("Memories of Eagle" by Graham Page, Eagle Times, Vol 30:3, Autumn 2017, pp12-14):
  1. Clifford Makins reading Vol.4:9 (12 June) Eagle comic
  2. Frank Hampson reading Vol.4:9 [sic] (5 June) Eagle comic
  3. John Pearce ("former Joint General Manager of Hulton Press Limited")
  4. Macdonald Hastings reading Vol.4:13 (3 July) Eagle comic
  5. Marcus Morris reading Vol.4:12 (26 June) Eagle comic


Norman Boyd said...

Richard Sheaf writes:

"the second chap is Hampson, the 4th chap Hastings and the fifth chap Morris. This means that the first chap is either Makins or Pearce. The third guy is (also) either Makins or Pearce"

Anonymous said...

Interesting photograph; I was pleased to notice that I own the original artwork to the DARE cover page (from "Operation Saturn")!