If you can help me correct or add to any information, let me know

AREND [Eagle]

  • "Robin Hood en zijn vrolijke vrienden" 
  •  Jaargang 3 nr 4, 26 oktober 1957 tot Jaargang 3 nr 37, 14 juni 1958

  • "De reizen van Marco Polo"  [The travels of Marco Polo] 
  • Jaargang 5 nr 31, 30 april 1960 tot Jaargang 6 nr 8, 19 november 1960

  • "Dwars door het Oerwoud. Expeditie vermist" [Fraser of Africa: The Lost Safari]
  • Jaargang 6 nr 51, 16 september 1961 tot Jaargang 7 nr 23, 10 maart 1962
  • "Dwars door het oerwoud. De ivoorstropers" [Fraser of Africa: The Ivory Poachers]
  • Jaargang 7 nr 24, 17 maart 1962 tot Jaargang 7 nr 40, 7 juli 1962
  • "Dwars door het oerwoud. De slavenhandelaars" [Fraser of Africa: The Slave Traders]
  • Jaargang 7 nr 41, 14 juli 1962 tot Jaargang 7 nr 51, 22 september 1962

  • "Heros de Spartaan" [Heros the Spartan]
  • Jaargang 9 nr 26, 28 maart 1964 tot Jaargang 11 nr 14, 1 januari 1966

  • "Daan Durf" [Dan Dare] - Although not titled, this is "Terra Nova" story
  •  Jaargang 9 nr 25, 21 maart 1964 tot Jaargang 9 nr 39, 27 juni 1964
  • "Daan Durf" [Dan Dare] - Although not titled, this is "Trip to Trouble" story
  • Jaargang 9 nr 40, 4 juli 1964 tot Jaargang 10 nr 3, 17 oktober 1964
  •  "Daan Durf" [Dan Dare] - Although not titled, this is "Project Nimbus" story - Interestingly Bellamy's signature is "drawn out" of some strips
  •  Jaargang 10 nr 4, 24 oktober 1964 tot Jaargang 10 nr 20, 13 februari 1965

Published in??? by ??? Date: ???
  • "Strijd in de ruimte" [Litrally "Battle in Space" = The Cloud of Balthus]
  • "De rijksappel van Trimandias" [The Orb of Trimandias]
  • "Het Volk uit de afgrond" [People of the Abyss]
  • "De vrouwen van Galba" [The Women of Galba]
  • "De Vernielers" [Literally: "The Destroyers"  = The Wreckers]
  • "Het Beest van Ultor" [The Beast from Ultor]
  • "De Dreiging" [Literally "The Threat" = Freak out to Fear]
  • "De bruid van Dsjengis Khan" [The Bride of Jenghiz Khan]
  • "De Duivels van de Hellekrocht" [Literally "The Devils of Hell's Cave(?) = The Angels of Hell's Gap]
  • "De Duivelse Doders [Literally "The Devil Killers" = The Doomsmen]
  • "Het Monster in de Lucht Bel" [Literally "The Monster in the air bubble" = "The Bubble Man"]
  • "De schoonheden van Marc Sarrano" [Literally "The beauties of marc Serrano" = The Beautiful People] 
  • "Donna Maria, de schone Spaanse" [Literally "Donna Maria, the beautiful Spanish Lady" = The Spanish Lady]
  • "De Mannenjacht" [The manhunt]

  • Beschrijving in stripvorm van de levens van Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965) en veldmaarschalk Bernard Law Montgomery (1887-1976) waarbij de nadruk ligt op hun aandeel in de Tweede Wereldoorlog
  • [Comic strip description of the lives of Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965) and Field Marshal Bernard Law Montgomery (1887-1976) focusing on their part in World War II]
THUNDERBIRDS: IN DE GEVARENZONE [Thunderbirds: in the danger zone]
#1, (Big Balloon, 1994)
  • De opgesloten spion: International Rescue moet zich tegen hun zin mengen in politieke ruzies..! [The trapped spy: International Rescue must intervene against their political quarrels ..!]
  • Operatie Aardbeving: er bevinden zich verschillende aardbevingen plaats op verschillende plaatsen. Telkens wordt er een misdaad gepleegd tijdens die aardbevingen. [Operation Earthquake: there are several earthquake spots at different places. There is a crime committed at each earthquake spot].
  • Tracy Island ontdekt: The Hood ontdekt de geheime schuilplaats van International Rescue..! [Tracy Island discovered: The Hood discovers the secret hideout of International Rescue ..!]
These 4 Ravette reprints interestingly contains photos on the covers and have different stories. The series claims Text and Art are by Bellamy; Bellamy did not write any stories at all during his career
All information taken from the Dutch websites including Stripcovers where most were posted by Filip Hellemans, J. Lester Novros II's excellent Supermarionation site
THUNDERIRDS: NOODOPROEP AAN BASIS [Thunderbirds: Emergency call]
#2 (Big Balloon, 1994)
  • De aardbevingmaker: Een misdadiger gebruikt de natuurkrachten om de wereld te veroveren... [The earthquake maker: A criminal uses natural forces to conquer the world ...]
  • De revolutie: In Nicaragua wordt het grootste atoomschip 'President' te water gelaten. De arme bevolking komt in opstand omdat de regering al hun geld in zulke projecten steekt en hun eigen volk laat verhongeren... [The Revolution: In Nicaragua, the largest nuclear ship 'President' is launched. The poor population are in revolt because the government already puts their money into such projects and let their own people starve ...]
  • Expeditie Noordpool [North Pole Expedition]
THUNDERBIRDS: IN DE RUIMTE[Thunderbirds: in space]
#3 (Big Balloon, 1994)
  • De opgesloten spion [The trapped spy]
  • De ruimtespiegel [The Space Mirror]
  • Operatie Pentatholeum [ Operation Pentathalon]
  • De Atlantische tunnel [ The Atlantic Tunnel]
[Thunderbirds: Agent P.]
#4 (Big Balloon, 1994)
  • Arendsoog ontmanteld [Eagle Eye dismantled = Talons of the eagle]
  • Operatie P. (illustrated by Eric Eden)
  • Gevaar op Antarctica [Antarctic Danger]
TV2000 - see listing below
  • #36 - 53, 1966
  • # 1 - 52, 1967
  • # 1- 30, 1968 [From #31 to 1968 #52, 1969 #01-28, Bellamy's art is re-drawn by another artist. Not all issues have Thunderbirds, only the following: 1968, #31+35+38+43-44+49-52. 1969, #01-06+12-28]
  • Thunderbirds Extra (1966) "Vlucht naar de vernietiging" - reprint from the UK Thunderbirds Extra "Flight to destruction" with a photograph replacing a drawing of Jeff Tracy
  • Thunderbirds Extra 2 (1966) - cover by Bellamy - and no Bellamy Thunderbirds appear inside
  • Thunderbirds Extra 3 (1967), no Bellamy strips 
  • Various painted covers appeared in issues by P. Franco as shown
#36, 1966 was the first issue of TV2000, (being a continuation of the comic Fix und Fox) and had not only TV21 and Lady Penelope strips but strips based on Dutch TV programmes of the time! - see article
TV2000 #68/44

Blazing Danger 52-58 ---
Mission to Africa 59-65 66/36-41
The Talons of the Eagle / "Arendsoog Ontmanteld" 66-72 66/42-48
Atlantic Tunnel / "De Atlantische Tunnel" 73-82 66/49-05
Solar Danger 83-98 67/06-21
The Big Freeze / "Expeditie Noordpool" 99-104 67/22-27
Operation Depthprobe / "Operatie Pentatoleum" 105-109 67/28-32
The Trapped Spy / "De Opgesloten Spion" 110-117 67/33-40
Operation Earthquake / "Operatie Aardbeving" 118-124 67/41-47
Tracy Island Exposed / "Tracy Island Ontdekt" 125-129 67/48-52
The Revolution / "De Revolutie" 130-136 68/01-07
The Space Mirror / "De Ruimtespiegel" 137-140 68/08-11
The Earthquake Maker / "De Aardbeving-maker" 141-146 68/12-17
The Visitor from Space 147-154 ---
Hawaiian Lobster Menace 155-161 69/04-06
Brains Is Dead 162-169 68/25-31 (Alternative artist completes story in #31 using FB designs)
The Space Cannon 170-172 68/38 (alt artist)
Olympic Kidnap Plot 173-178 68/35 (alt artist)
Mission to Moonbase 179-183 68/43-44 (alt artist)
The Devil's Crag 184-187 68/49-50 (alt artist)
Eiffel Tower Demolition 188-191 68/51-52 (alt artist)
Nuclear Threat 192-196 69/01-03 (alt artist)
Antarctic Menace / "Gevaar op Antarctica" 197-202 68/18-24 (alt artist)
The Time Machine 203-208 69/12-14 (alt artist)
The Zoo Ship 209-217 69/15-20 (alt artist)
City of Doom 218-226 69/21-28 (alt artist)
Chain Reaction 227-234 ---
Jungle Adventure 235-238 ---
Danger in the Deep / "Gevaar in de Diepzee" 239-242 ---
Seeking Disaster / "Gevaarlijk Spel" 1-4 Thunderbirds [Netherlands] Nr. 13-14

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