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I must thank Alberto Soares for pointing out this information to me (which was on Catawiki)

GARTH (Kisan Petulangan) Garth (Adventure story)

There are 4 known titles which were published in 1975 and appeared in the English originals with libretto underneath with the Indonesian translation

  1. Topeng Atacama = The Mask of Atacama
  2. Aksi Wanita Galba = literally "Galba women's action", i.e. The Women of galba
  3. Berebut Tambang Perak = Literally "Scramble for a silver mine", i.e. Ghost Town
  4. Makhluk jurang dasar laut = literally "Seabed creature of the abyss", i.e. People of the Abyss

Cover images by Rahardjo S.

Approximate translation:
Judal Aseli: = Original title: Women of Galba
Aksi Wanita Galba = The Women of Galba's action
Hak cipta terjemahan = Translation  copyright Indonesia
Hak cipta dilindungi oleh undang-undang = Copyright protected by law
Gambar sampul oleh = Cover image by Rahardjo S.
Dicetak oleh Percetakan  = Printed by P.T. Gramedia Printing,  Jakarta

GARTH The Wreckers

Published by Marabunta, 2023 | 21 x 30 cm | 24 pages | Softcover

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