I had a lot of help from Lars Skovmand. If you can help me correct or add to any information, let me know

  • Agent X9 
    • "Garth" ran in issues #1, 3, 31, 34, 37, 40, 43, 46, 49, 52, 54, 57, 60, 64, 66, 70, 72, 74 (published by Interpresse)
  • Agent X9 #1 and 31 have articles on Garth where Bellamy is mentioned
    • #9 - 1968, "Thunderbirds"
    • #10 -  1968,"Operation Næsehorn" [The White Rhino Rescue]

Garth's appearances in Danish
Compiled by Lars Skovmand

Garth appeared in painted form twice in this series (by an unknown artist)

Agent X9 #66
Agent X9 #72

Garth also appeared (with a single panel in B&W) on the cover several times - see below

"Garth...Manden fra fortiden" - Trans: "Garth...The Man of the Past" from Agent X9 #1 (p.42)

Agent X9 #1 p.42
"Agent X9 præsenterer: Garth" by Janne Lundström and Magnus Knutsson from Agent X9 #31 (p.45)
Translation: "Agent X9 presents Garth"
Agent X9 #31 p.45

This table is constructed from information  Lars Skovmand gave me as well as looking at various images on
I've tried to translate the list of Bellamy Garth stories mentioned but bear in mind I speak no Danish.

Danish title UK Title Norman's rough translation
X9 Opprøreren" The Angels of Hell's Gap Rebel
X9-3 Den maktgale" The Wreckers The Madman
X9-31 "Manden fra jernfuglens bug" Sundance The Man from the Iron Bird's Belly
X9-34 "Rommysteriet" The Cloud of Balthus Space Mystery
X9-37 "Den magiske kulen" The Orb of Trimandias The Globus Cruciger (or the Orb and the Cross
X9-40 "Ulvemannen" Wolfman of Ausensee The Wolfman
X9-43 "Kvinnen fra havet" People of the Abyss The Woman from the Bottom of the Sea
X9-46 "Opprør på Galba" The Women of Galba Riot on Galba
X9-72 Spøkelsesbyen" Ghost Town Ghost Town
X9-49 Atacamas maske" The Mask of Atacama The Mask of Atacama
X9-52 Djevelen på Ultor" The Beast of Ultor The Devil on Ultor
X9-54 Giftedderkoppen" Freak out to Fear Poison Spiders
X9-57 Djengis Khans brud" Bride of Jenghiz Khan Jenghiz Khans' Bride
X9-60 Robotene" The Doomsmen The Robots
X9-64 Mannen i boblen" The Bubble Man The Man in the Bubble
X9-66 Livvakten" The Beautiful People The Guard
X9-7o "Sørøvere i det Caraibiska hav" The Spanish Lady Pirates in the Caribbean
X9-74 Opprøret på Volterra" Manhunt  The Uprising on Volterra

The UK order of publication

Sundance = The Man from the Iron Bird's Belly - "Manden fra jernfuglens bug"
The Cloud of Balthus = Space Mystery -"Rommysteriet"
The Orb of Trimandias = The Globus Cruciger (or the Orb and the Cross) -"Den magiske kulen"
Wolfman of Ausensee = The Wolfman  -"Ulvemannen"
People of the Abyss = The Woman from the bottom of the Sea -"Kvinnen fra havet"
The Women of Galba = Riot on Galba - "Opprør på Galba"
Ghost Town = Ghost Town -"Spøkelsesbyen"
The Mask of Atacama = The Mask of Atacama - "Atacamas maske"
The Wreckers = The Madman - "Den maktgale"
The Beast of Ultor = The Devil on Ultor - "Djevelen på Ultor"
Freak out to Fear = Poison Spiders - "Giftedderkoppen"
Bride of Jenghiz Khan = Jenghiz Khans' Bride -"Djengis Khans brud"
The Angels of Hell's Gap = Rebel - Opprøreren"
The Doomsmen = The Robots -"Robotene"
The Bubble Man = The Man in the Bubble -"Mannen i boblen"
The Beautiful People = The Guard - "Livvakten"
The Spanish Lady = Pirates in the Caribbean - "Sørøvere i det Caraibiska hav"
Manhunt  = The Uprising on Volterra - " - "Opprøret på Volterra"

Agent X9 #1 (Garth from J6)

Agent X9 #3 (Garth from G273)

Agent X9 #31 (Garth from XX)

Agent X9 #34 (Garth from F68)

Agent X9 #37 (Garth from F46)

Agent X9 #40 (Garth from F150)

Agent X9 #43 (Garth from F234)

Agent X9  #46 (Garth from G77)

Agent X9 #49 (Garth from G233)

Agent X9  #52 (Garth from H91)

Agent X9 #54 (Garth from H152)

Agent X9 #57 (Garth from H266)

Agent X9  #60 (Garth from J170)

Agent X9 #64 (Garth from J197)

Agent X9 #70 (Garth from K81)

Serie Magasinet #9

Serie Magasinet #10

Serie Magasinet #10 p34

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